Monday, October 10, 2016

So, we're learning the trails. (Intro)

I took my daughter Kailee on her first camping adventures last year and she quickly developed a passion for the outdoors. Whether it be fishing, hiking, or animal spotting, she jumped at the opportunities that the Great Outdoors has to offer.

We've had a lot of fun exploring new places and would like to share our experiences and the things that we've learned while "taking a hike."

We've figured out a lot of things by hiking on the fly. There's a lot of incredible trails in New York, but it can still be hard to find information about many of these places (even in the internet age). I hope that our stories entertain and provide information that is beneficial to campers and hikers alike.
We look forward to learning the trails and if you have feedback that points us in the direction of new, fun directions -or if you have a fun outdoors story - then feel free to share your experiences in the comments!

-Justin "Schultzy" Schultz

-On top of the Sharp Bridge Cliffs 8-30-2016

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